Friday, August 19, 2011

The preparations for the photoshoot

My photoshoot is going to be today and I'm just so excited and I though I should share with you guys everything I'm doing to prepare myself for It. ( of course that's in my agency, yours may be different ).
In my agency you can choose between 100 pictures or 80 pictures. I'm going to do the 80 pictures one because it's cheaper and having 100 pictures does not increase your chances of getting jobs or anything like that, it's just for you to have more pics I guess..

In my agency they make a CD with all of your pictures + a folder with all of your pictures + a book with either 10(if you do the 80 pictures option) or 12(in case you do the 100 pictures option) and also a card with the 4 best pictures. That card is like a passcard to works you might do in the future. So if someone is looking for someone that has (example) blond hair and blue eyes(like me ;) ) and if you have blonde hair and blue eyes, that card is what they show whoever is casting the people. The "passcard" has 4 pictures in it no matter how many picture you choose to take.

They gave me a week to prepare myself and they asked me to bring my own clothes. We need 4 looks ready to the pictures but that I should bring more(pics of what I took with me coming soon) I think I kind of exaggerated though, but more is always better than less right?

They do your hair and makeup in the agency, so I don't have to do anything. Just bring my clothes and they will decide what I wear and the rest.

That's pretty much everything I had to do. I'm leaving in 30 minutes, my photoshoot is starting at 5:30(I mean, I'm starting to get ready at 5:30) but they ask you to come 30 minutes before.

Again, these information is about my agency and my agency only. I don't know other agencies and yours might be different so always do what the especialsits tell you to do.
Good luck everyone.

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