Monday, April 9, 2012

How to go to open calls and castings (modelling)

Last week I went to my agency and got some tips from the producer (or producing assistant). Here's what she said. Enjoy (:

  • Never, never, never go without your photo book and photo card. Those are the model's professional material and you have to have that at all times with you.
  • Don't try to draw attention to your clothes. They are looking for the model who fits what they are trying to do better, not the one who can dress better. You have to shine, not your clothes.
  • Know yourself, your best qualities, how to work with your body and all that to make the pictures better. There are modelling classes out there. On my agency they are having classes that are just a week long, 5 days and you're ready (:
  • Know you're measurements by heart(height, waist, the size of your clothes, everything).
  • Be direct, answer all of their questions clearly and be super professional.
  • Yes, you will get rejected. And again. And again. People there don't really care about your feelings so be prepared for that. And don't worry. Keep trying and you'll get there (:
Anyway, that's what she told me. Good luck to everyone (:
