Friday, September 9, 2011

Tips : How to Memorize Lines

I guess many people think it's really easy to memorize stuff. I memorize stuff REALLY easily myself, I can just watch a movie or a show that I really like and then I memorize some scenes instantly and if I watch it twice I can just memorize at least half of the whole movie. I don't know why or how I do that, I just do it, I don't really have any tricks to that or anything similar, but if I like the movie/show it gets stuck in my head and I memorize it really fast. #fact
So when I have to memorize a monologue or my lines to whatever I'm gonna do, that comes really easily to me. Songs do too, but that's not the point. :p
Anyway, I know many people can memorize that kind of stuff really easily and they don't have any special tricks but I know also that there are a lot of different people out there  there are a lot of people that can't and if you are one of those people, this may help you:

  • This is very personal so if something doesn't work for you it may work for me and if it doesn't work for me it can still work for you (:
  1. If it's a monologue one of the best ways to memorize is to sit down (or you can do it standing if you prefer or walking around) and read it, again and again and again and again. And when your done reading it, read it again. And when you feel like you memorized it try to say it out loud without reading it. If you can, try it again and again and keep practicing.
  2. You can ask a person to hold the paper or the book where the monologue is written and you can say it out loud to him/her and ask them to tell you whatever you said wrong.You can also ask them to tell you how they liked you acting and what they think of it (:
  3. Record you saying that or even videotape it(videotaping works out better for me because you can see you expressions but recording works out fine too) and either listen to it over and over again or just once and see if it's good, and record it again untill you think you got it right.
  4. You can record it and even when you know you got it wrong listen to it to see how well you did and how you could improve it. And once you think it's good, just keep listening to it and repeating it I guess.
  5. This does not work for me but it may work for you so.. actually I think this is really weird but some people say it helps to write your line because by writing them over and over again you will end up memorizing it. For me, that'd only make my hands hurt but you can try it out.
  6. For scripts I think the best way to memorize your lines is to practice with someone else. The person(or the people) could be the other person(or people) in the scene, who you're talking to for example and then you can practice the scene.
  7. A great way to find your lines faster is to highlight them so that they stand out.
A really good way to practice either a monologue or a script is to practice in front of a mirror, so that you can see yourself doing it, but I still like the videotape idea better because at the mirror you can only see yourself if your looking strainght at the mirror and when your videotaping it you can look around and then you can watch yourself later..

And before anybody says anything this tips are not MINE, I didn't invent them. I thought of some of them by myself but it's not like I created them, I know a lot of people do that too.. and as for the others I did research, I watch videos about this stuff on youtube and I read blogs about it as well, I'm also in acting classes and obviously I learn stuff like that in there too. It's not like they're mine or whatever. Actually I never even tried most of them. :)

Hope this helped you guys

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